Sunday, 22 September 2019

PLG Progress

After taking some time to figure out what exactly I was going to get from this I settled on a few ideas. After doing the survey to get some student voice on how they like to receive feedback I got some good ideas!!
It was interesting to find out that students like their feedback on a shared doc so that they can access it all of the time. Great! This is what I usually do but this term we also added peer feedback. This was a really great opportunity to get some direct feedback from their peers. Also, it was a good exercise for students to listen and focus in on different aspects of different instruments. We also talked about what skills are required for each instrument. So for example if you are not a guitar player you learn about the skills that the guitar player should be reflecting at this level.

Teacher/Peer feedback

The only thing I have not tried yet is the feedback notebook. I did intend to start this during this term but decided to start this a s new focus for 2020. I did talk with students about having a book that they carry around with them. They all really liked this idea, even the students that prefer the digital feedback. These notebooks ( Rehearsal diaries, will be kept in the classroom) Students can also take them to their itinerant teachers and that gives me a good idea of what they have done in their instrumental lesson each week.